Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Adam & Evan's New School

Adam & Evan started their new school last week. (Don't they look cute with their new backpacks .... Thank You Ms. Julie!) We had some rough mornings with lots of tears. Evan complained every day....... "I don't want to go my school. I want to go my house!".... all the way there. I'm happy to report that I left this morning, and although Adam was looking pretty sad, there were no tears. I've figured out the trick with Evan is to NOT feed him breakfast at home so that he is really hungry by the time we get there. This morning he started his "I don't want to go...." routine, until we pulled up in the driveway and he thought about breakfast. He immediately started saying "I want to eat....I want to, I want to!"

I have shared with many of you that they started their new school, Frances Allen School, due some developmental delays that Adam is facing. Frances Allen is a developmental preschool with a wonderful reputation. Adam will be evaluated next week, and will be receiving developmental, speech, occupational, and physical therapy. We feel very blessed to have gotten a spot at Frances Allen so quickly. Amazingly, Jeff and I have already seen a difference in Adam's speech and social interaction in the past week. We are very encouraged and know that he is going to make great strides there.

Thank you to all who have been praying for us over the past few weeks. We are so thankful for our wonderful family and friends!

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